Im Jahre 2010:
Göttingen, Hildesheim, Hamburg. Eine Woche lang Deutschland mit kanadischen Augen sehen.
- "Is it Beaten? Beaden?" - " B-E-N-E... Benedikt." "Aaah! Beanea... Beaden?!... I'm so sorry..."
- "My cousin wears mumu all the time..." "Mumu?" "Yes... you Homer Simpson." "Hm... you know, it's a German word for Vagina..."
- "Isch bin gaiel...ess mein Mumu..."
- "Foodoo?" "No, F-O-T-Z-E" "Foodsaa" "Nice"
- "D-A-N-K-E" "Danke" "B-I-T-T-E" "Bitter" "No, that's bitter... B-I-T-T-E" "Bitte...Bitter"...
- "It's terrible, they burn Irish flags in Belfast... you won't do that in Canada... how about Germany?" "Mh... don't put up flags here...except for the worldcup..." "Oh...but why? You guys should be proud of your wonderful country!"
- "Cheeeeeaaaaap!!! We love Germany... the beer's soo cheap. Can't believe that we paid under 20 euro for six sixpacks and a bottle of Vodka... that would be around 50 bucks or so..."
- "We should have vending machines in Canada..."
- "Where's the peperoni?" "Oh, it's this green stuff" "Really? No. It's supposed to be meat...sausage...peperoni" "Really? Well... it's this green stuff... I'm sorry."
- "What does it say on the sign?" "Oh... you know... the usual thing: no fun" "Aah.. no fun in Germany!"
- Rachel: "I'm gonna have a beer" Sonya: "But it's 12:30." Rachel: "Yeah, but I can drink while walking on the street. I love it!"
- "Did you close your door upstairs." "Mh... I don't know..." "Well, Canadians...never closing their doors. " "For sure, man!"
... .oO Wacken Open Air...
I love it!
AntwortenLöschen"Göttingen, Hildesheim, Hamburg." Da is aber auch Hannover auf den Fotos! Der Bahnhofsvorplatz. Oder bin ich total behämmert?